I’m going digital

Would you also like to enjoy a simple, fast and 100% secure digital service?

Choose for:

  • Easier to use and less administration because online you can easily declare your admission to a hospital or incapacity for work, submit your medical expenses or ask a question about your insurance policy. Moreover, you have free access to AssurPharma to submit your pharmaceutical expenses automatically by means of your barcode.
  • Gain of time and quicker reimbursement because we can process digital requests faster. You will receive our confirmation of your declaration sooner and will also be reimbursed quicker.
  • Fully digital, sustainable and secure because more and more of our communication is done by e-mail that only you have access to, 100 % secure and paperless.

You can easily go digital via our app or website.

Vanbreda appVanbreda Health Care website
Receive more and more of your documents digitally via e-mail
Declare your hospitalisation
Submit your medical expenses
Use Assurpharma free of charge for pharmacy costs
Your data always at hand
Have your medical cards always with you
Track your admissions and medical costs effortlessly with notifications
View all details of your admissions and medical expenses
Consult your settlements clearly
Submit your claim for incapacity for work
Send requested documents (e.g. reports) via the contact form
download the appfill in the form