How do I submit orthodontic costs?

When submitting your orthodontic costs, it is best to also provide us with a detailed cost estimate completed by your orthodontist. The cost estimate must include the following information:

  • A clear breakdown of the costs
  • An overview of the unit prices charged per nomenclature number and per consultation
  • The price for the first part of the fixed orthodontic device and the nomenclature number
  • The price for the second part of the fixed orthodontic device and the nomenclature number
  • The price for extra costs such as a forsus , a bracket, etc.
  • The name of your mutuality
  • In case you have an additional dental insurance, add the settlement note of its reimbursement

Do you want to use an example of a cost estimate? Click on this link. Print the document and take it to your orthodontist to have it filled in.

This way we guarantee a faster refund.

Would you like more information on how to submit regular dental costs? Then click here.
