How can I make my Vanbreda app extra secure? (Two-step authentication)

Your medical data are protected in your app through a login and a PIN, fingerprint or face recognition.

We recommend always choosing a strong and unique password and updating it regularly. This will keep your data protected. (see also: Use long passwords | Safeonweb)

If you want to make your Vanbreda app extra secure, you can use the step-by-step plan below to set up an extra layer of security via two-step authentication.

  • Go to
  • Login with your username and password.
  • Go to 'Security & Privacy'.
  • At 'Authentication in 2 steps', choose Set up. 
  • You may have to re-enter your username and password to prove it is you.
  • The page 'Set-up multifactor authentication' opens.
  • Select 1 of the 2 options to add an extra layer of security to your account:
  • After setting up the additional security via the chosen option, click on 'Finish'.

Consequence: after you set up your extra security layer, you will need to enter the extra code every time you log in to your Vanbreda app.
