How do I choose the right guarantee to submit my expenses?

Hospitalisation: Choose this guarantee for all medical costs related to your hospitalisation, such as your hospitalisation invoice and expenses for pre- and aftercare (medication, doctor's visit, physiotherapy, etc). Request your policy conditions here to see exactly which expenses are covered by your insurance and how long the period of pre- and aftercare lasts.

Serious illness: Choose this guarantee for all medical expenses related to a serious illness (such as cancer or diabetes): e.g. medication, doctor's visits, physiotherapy, nursing, … Request your policy conditions here to see which conditions are covered as a serious illness.

Outpatient: Choose this guarantee for all medical expenses not related to a hospitalisation or serious illness.  

  • Do you only have a hospitalisation guarantee with us? In that case, outpatient expenses, not related to a hospitalisation or serious illness, are in principle not covered and you do not have to submit them to us.
  • Do you have an outpatient guarantee with us? Then your policy provides for reimbursement of certain outpatient expenses. Request your policy conditions here to see exactly which outpatient expenses are covered by your insurance.