Digital servicing: fast, safe and always complete!

In 2020 we, at Vanbreda Risk & Benefits, turned the expanding and improving of our digital servicing into a priority. Submitting your medical expenses or declaring a hospitalisation through online channels is becoming increasingly important and we want to be prepared for that.

As such, we launched our new Health Care website at the beginning of 2020 the renewed Vanbreda app has been available since the summer of that year. As of now, already 215.000 people use our app to manage their medical administration.

The world is getting more and more digital So we think it is important to offer you, as a policy holder, those digital solutions that permit you to easily manage your medical file on a 24/7 basis. The global COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that following up on your medical cases happens from home more often than not.

2 out of 10 of our clients chooses to take care of their medical administration through our website because it is a fast, accessible and easy-to-use channel. A staggering 8 out of 10 prefers the Vanbreda app because all your data are afely stored in your personal profile and you can track the submitted expenses up until the moment of reimbursement. Did you know that 95% of all app users say that the Vanbreda app is exactly the tool they were expecting?

Quick and easy digital declaration of your hospitalisation

Through the course of one year, our digital channels (app and website) became the primary way to declare a hospitalisation. Today, we receive almost half of all hospitalisations through our app or website.

Declaring a hospitalisation in the app or on the website takes less than 2 minutes. We guide you step by step through the declaration process in order to make sure all information is correct and complete. That way any missing information in your declaration. Your demand is automatically linked to your profile which speeds up the treatment process.

The app also keeps you updated on the status of your declaration. You can easily find your file when arriving at the hospital in order to communicate your 010 number.

Tracking the status of your expenses in the Vanbreda app

Submitting your expenses through the app is incredibly easy. Just take a picture of the invoices and upload them. Since all of that happens in your profile, the costs are immediately linked to the correct person. So by submitting your expenses through the app, as well as via the website, it takes less time to treat them which means we can reimburse you even faster.

A total of 70% of all medical expenses are already submitted digitally and 2 out 3 people prefer using the app. 87% of them find it easy to submit their expenses through our digital channels. Those expenses are also stored in the app so you check their progress at any time and when you can expect them to be reimbursed.

Your settlement notes in the app

Another thing that’s new, is that you also receive your settlement notes in the app. That way, you get a detailed overview of which costs we can reimburse you and on which bank account that will happen. If there are some costs that are not covered or if the reimbursement is limited, you will always get an explanation. 96% of all people think the settlement meets their expectations. It is clear and holds no surprises.

Submitting your pharmaceutical expenses has never been this easy

The AssurPharma-system as you all know remains unchanged. You still have your bar code(s) which you scan when purchasing something from the pharmacy. The BVAC-attestations will be directly sent to Vanbreda. That way, we can guarantee a swift and correct reimbursement in your bank account.

The pink card is to be used for all expenses regarding a hospitalisation or a case of Serious Illnes. Should you also benefit from an outpatient warranty, you can use the green card for the expenses that are not related to a hospitalisation or serious illness.

Safety first

Since you can now manage your medical files as well as your family’s in the app, it is of the utmost importance that safety and confidentiality is guaranteed. In order to start using the renewed app, you first create an account so we can protect all your personal and medical data. That is important to us and indispensable for your privacy! 4 out of 5 users find the app easy to install and it meets the expectations for 95% of them.

Thank you so much!

We are convinced that the renewed app only provides benefits for you as well as us. That is proven by the rise in the overall approval of our clients. Our policy holders are especially satisfied by the correct and professional management of their case, thanks to the swift service that we offer. If you require a more personal approach, you can still count on our customer-friendly employees.

So we would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for switching (or making the switch) to our digital service which allows for a fast and safe treatment of your medical file.

We gladly help you with all your digital questions.